A r t

​ Y U N I   K O

Yuni Ko Students Artwork

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​​​​​​​- I am Proud of Amanda's (6 years old) drawing has been selected at itchy-free day Drawing Contest 2013 and can be seen on the special edition of Lipkar Baume AP 'La Roche-Posay' France & is in stores. Congratulations,Amanda!

- It is great to hear Tiffany S's ( 10 years old ) Logo Design has been  selected at her school Logo contest 2013. Grade 1 through grade 8 students participated and 4th grade Tiffany was proudly awarded as the best design. Congratulations, TIffany !

​- I am pleased to hear Gina K's (Grade 10) visual art submission for the Grade 10,11,12 category  won 2nd place for the R.H. Library Arts Contest 2014. Congratulations,Gina!

​- Shaneen B.(Grade 5)  won 2nd place for Nasirat Vaughan E.Arts, the  Tile Competition 2015. Congratulations, Nyla !

-Claire S.'s ( Grade 3) received the  Honorable mention Award (w/ Medal) for Korean TImes Plein Air Art Contest 2014. Congratulations, Claire!

​- Jeffery J.'s (Grade 5)  won 2nd place (w/ Four Sesame Street Live concert tickets @ Sony Centre for the Performing Arts) for Sesame Street  Elmo Contest 2014. Congratulations, Jeffery!

​-​ I am pleased to hear Adela K's (grade 11) visual art submission (Tiger Eyes)  won for the R.H. school graduation Art Contest 2015. Congratulations, Adela!

​-Nyla B.'s (Grade 4)  won 2nd place for Nasirat Vaughan E. Arts, the TIle Competition 2015. Congratulations, Nyla! 

​- It is great to hear Claire S.'s (Grade 4) yearbook design has been  selected at her school art contest2015. Grade 1 through grade 8 students participated and 4th grade Claire was proudly selected. Congratulations, Claire !

-It is great to hear Michelle W..'s (Grade 4)  yearbook design has been selected at her school art contest2016. Grade 1 through grade 8 students participated and 4th grade Michelle was proudly selected. Congratulations, Michelle !

​- I am pleased to hear Claire S.'s ( Grade 5) yearbook design has been  selected at her school art contest2016. Congratulations, Claire!

​- Claire's (Grade 6) art has been  selected at the school Art contest. It is printed on T-shirts and Eco-bags and the school is selling them 2017. Congratulations, Claire !

-Catherine (11 years old) has won the award at a nationwide art contest and she received  $5,500  prize! ( $500 goes to material fee). Her art work will be printed and sold across Canada winter 2018. Congratulations, Catherine !

Yuni Ko Students Art Exhibition & Sick Kids Donation Sale  

Yuni Ko Students @ WCA Project ( France)

"Mariposas de la Esperanza🦋"

I am glad to teach one of my project  "Butterfly for Hope" origami art to Casa Hogar Maximo Cornejo Orphanage. 🦋 "There is always HOPE... no matter what flows in your life!".  

From Sick Kids Hospital Foundation 

Yuni Ko Students Artwork

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"Butterfly for HOPE" Yuni Ko students Art Exhibition @ Mill Pond Gallery ( Yuni Ko donated $24,000 to Lupus Ontario)

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Many of Yuni's  students received  art award certificates and won art contests.

Yuni Ko, Yuni Ko Art,Yuni Ko Art Classes

"SPLASH ECHO FESTIVAL" Teachers and Students Show @ Mill Pond Gallery  

Group Class  + Workshop  schedules  & Fees

Click here

Private + Semi-Private  Classes  Schedules & Fees

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​​C o n t a c t 





Each of the selected student received the  Artfest Certificate  from the municipal councillor. 

ages 5 to 18 years

​-My proudly selected students are ; Yoonsuh, Yoonha, Claire, Florence, Michelle, Chloe, Sarah K., Tiffany S., Coco, Sarah E., Emma, Trisha, Catherine, Sadie, Carson and Margaret. -2017-​


-My proudly selected students are ; Claire, Tiffany, Yoonsuh, Yoonha, Coco, Sadie,  Shaneen, Nyla, Laurie, Sarah K, Sarah E, Michelle, Emma and Adela. -2016-

-My proudly selected students are ; Claire, Tiffany, Yoonsuh, Yoonha, Amy, Sadie, Coco, Chloe, Laurie, Margo, Victor, Tiffany, Nyla, Shaneen, Thomas, Jake and Alissa. -2015-

-My  proudly selected  studentsare ; Amanda , Margaret ,Nyla , Bahar , Laurire, Tiffany , Sadie , Shaneen , Natalie , Sophie , Abi , Jeffery , Claire , Amy  and Jeanue. -2014-

-My proudly selected  students are; Cooper , Madison , Eden , Damon , Marcus ,Tiffany , Nigel , Jeanue , Shaneen , Grace ,Yasmine , Serin , Nicole , Margaret , Chloe  , Kyla and Claire  -2013- 

-My proudly selected  studentsare; Claire , Roberto , Gabriella , Tiffany , Margaret , Shannon , Amy , Isabella , Jake , Aiden  , Kyla , Chloe , Jeanue  and Sierra. -2012- 

Copyright Yuni Ko Art. All rights reserved.

Natasha & Stephanie

Co-teach with Yuni

Natasha  Barron

Stephanie  Guerriero

-Previous experiences include teaching Visual Art. -B.Sc./ B.A ,   -Developed passion for sketching and crafting, valuing anything hand-made. 

-Health care management specialist.

- Previous work experiences include teaching Visual Art to young children.

-B.A. degree in Visual Art and Ontario Teachers Certification.

- Collective experiences include primary school and ESL teacher.

I would like to share about the Youth Artfest hosted by the founder Karen Stoskopf Harding and supported by Town of Richmond Hill.

I'm pleased that my art classes (Yuni Ko Art) have been  selected and many of my students wonderful charming arts have been exhibited at the R.H. Municipal offices as well as at Oak Ridge Community Centre, Covernote cafe  and McConaghy Centre during the Youth Artfest in April and May, 2012, 2013, 2014 ,2015, 2016  and  2017.

Each of the selected student received the Artfest Certificate from the municipal councillor. 



Master Classes, Exhibition, Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Multimedia, Group Project

Mill Pond Gallery


Spring, Fall & Winter Sessions

Summer Camp - weekly 

Special workshops - daily

Students are taught in a positive and fun classroom atmosphere. Students will be exploring new techniques, using various media, and encouraged to express their unique creativity throughout their learning process.
